Sometimes We Love
Sometimes we love
And our hearts are broken
We dream
And our hopes are shattered
We wish
And our desires are unfulfilled
We give freely
And are left empty-handed
And we care for others
And aren’t loved in return
And those who we once most admired and valued
Do not reciprocate our affection.
Sometimes we undergo a process of loss and heartbreak
And are left feeling broken
And lacking hope
As we fail to realise
That we are not destined to remain stuck in this cycle indefinitely
And that in life
Whoever lets go of us
Leads us home
Whoever rejects us
Empowers us to embrace ourselves fully
And someone’s lack of love for us
Is ultimately a reflection of them rather than us.
And we feel most hurt
Not when we are rejected
But when we reject ourselves
We feel most sad
Not when others upset us
But when we seek happiness in sources that are unable to provide it and are left feeling let down
And we feel most alone
When we are strangers to ourselves
And so in order to find peace in our surroundings
We must first find peace within
In order to find joy outside of ourselves
We must first experience joy internally
In order to feel fully accepted
We must first learn to fully accept ourselves
And not every race is worth running
Not every battle is worth fighting
Not every adventure is worth embarking upon
And not every relationship is worth pursuing
And rejection is simply redirection
Allowing us to become more in touch with ourselves
And more awakened to our own self-acceptance and self-love.
Words by Tahlia Hunter