• Life,  Things Could Happen

    Sometimes We Love

    Sometimes we love And our hearts are broken We dream And our hopes are shattered We wish And our desires are unfulfilled We give freely And are left empty-handed And we care for others And aren’t loved in return And those who we once most admired and valued Do not reciprocate our affection. Sometimes we undergo a process of loss and heartbreak And are left feeling broken And lacking hope As we fail to realise That we are not destined to remain stuck in this cycle indefinitely And that in life Whoever lets go of us Leads us home Whoever rejects us Empowers us to embrace ourselves fully And someone’s…

  • Life

    Are you truly lazy

    Are you truly lazy Or are you simply in the process of resting and recovering from all that you have been through? Are you truly procrastinating Or are you simply prioritising what your soul finds more valuable, enriching and uplifting? Are you truly sad Or are you simply purging and releasing your emotions? Are you truly broken Or are you simply in the process of healing from past experiences and rebuilding your life? Are you truly antisocial Or are you simply undergoing a period of self-discovery and learning to fully embrace and enjoy your own company? Are you truly naive Or do you simply have an open heart and look…

  • Life

    The truth is that people believe they know you

    The truth is that people believe they know you, that you’re okay or that you’re in a position where you’re proud of yourself and optimistic about how things are going for you. They believe you’re fine because they interpret things based on their perception and connect certain facts they believe they are comfortable with to paint a picture of you based on their vision, unaware that this is all an illusion. Because you are aware of how exhausted you are from having so many thoughts racing through your head, you are weary of showing empathy, you are tired of being the one who understands, and you are tired of the…

  • Life

    It took me a long time to realize

    My mom had a lot of problems. She did not sleep and she felt exhausted. She was irritable, grumpy, and bitter. She was always sick, until one day, suddenly, she changed. The situation was the same, but she was different. One day my dad said to her: – I’ve been looking for a job for three months and I haven’t found anything, I’m going to have a few beers with friends. My mom replied: – It’s okay. My brother said to her: – Mom, I’m doing poorly in all subjects at the University … My mom replied: – Okay, you will recover, and if you don’t, well, you repeat the…

  • Life,  Tips

    HIGHER SELF – Awareness..

    HIGHER SELF – Awareness.. ‘I am slowly learning that some people are not good for me, no matter how much I love them. I deserve someone who is gentle and kind, because my soul is getting tired. Realizing that I deserve something good is one of the first steps.” “I’m Slowly Learning That I Don’t Have To React To Everything That Bothers Me~~ I’m slowly learning that the energy it takes to react to every bad thing that happens to you drains you and stops you from seeing the other good things in life. I’m slowly learning that I’m not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and I won’t…

  • Life


    my brain and heart divorced a decade ago over who was to blame about how big of a mess I have become eventually, they couldn’t be in the same room with each other now my head and heart share custody of me I stay with my brain during the week and my heart gets me on weekends they never speak to one another – instead, they give me the same note to pass to each other every week and their notes they send to one another always says the same thing: “This is all your fault” on Sundays my heart complains about how my head has let me down in…