HIGHER SELF – Awareness..
HIGHER SELF – Awareness.. ‘I am slowly learning that some people are not good for me, no matter how much I love them. I deserve someone who is gentle and kind, because my soul is getting tired. Realizing that I deserve something good is one of the first steps.” “I’m Slowly Learning That I Don’t Have To React To Everything That Bothers Me~~ I’m slowly learning that the energy it takes to react to every bad thing that happens to you drains you and stops you from seeing the other good things in life. I’m slowly learning that I’m not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and I won’t…
Loss of Smell
Did you lose your sense of smell? I have a tried & true protocol backed by research! Need help with sense of taste & smell recovery – It’s called Olfactory Training Here’s the study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19235739/ You will take one of each of these oils listed below, ONE AT A TIME, and put a few drops on a cotton ball or cotton pad and inhale deeply 10 times. Do this twice a day for 12 weeks per the pubmed article. While doing so, tell your brain what it smells like (or should smell like.) Lemon: bright, fresh, tart, sour, refreshing, etc Clove: fragrant, rich, round, fall, pie, etc Eucalyptus: menthol, fresh,…